Monday, January 16, 2012

Christmas Eve, Part 1

Let me start out by saying that currently, I think that Christmas Eve is way more exciting for Mallory then Christmas day.  She gets to open just as many (if not more) presents as she does on Christmas day, AND she gets to play with her cousins on both sides of the family.  It is a jam packed day that starts out in the morning at Aunt Lori & Uncle Mikes, and ends with the evening at Grandma Myntz's house.  Each year she seems to get more and more, which leaves me quite torn.  On the one hand she gets way too many presents and I don't want her spoiled, especially with a birthday coming up right after Christmas.  However, on the other hand, watching these kids get excited and open these gifts is SO much fun that all I want to do is buy them all more and more presents.  Let's be honest, the older you get Christmas seems to loose a little of it's magic.  Let me tell you, that all comes flowing back full speed when you have little ones and especially when they start to understand.  I was so excited for Christmas this year, simply to see the faces of these little ones. 

Here are some pictures from the first part of our Christmas at Aunt Lori & Uncle Mikes.  It seems all my pictures are of the kids because they were so animated and excited, but do know that the adults had a wonderful Christmas too, filled with laughs and very nice presents.  It was a great way to start off the Holiday.  

 This is the best picture I had of them sitting in front of the tree.  I know Ivan's finger is in his nose, but if I recall correctly it was prompted, not real.  Still pretty funny either way.
 Ev was pretty fascinated with Wesley, which was really cute.  He kept bringing him things and putting them in his seat.  He also wanted to rock Wesley in the car seat.  It seemed almost more exciting then opening gifts. He was very gentle and sweet...I think he is ready for a little sister or brother.  
 I think Ivan won the prize for biggest gifts :)
 Sweet little Ev
 Can you believe it?  Mallory got a princess!
 Uncle Marc showing Ev how to play his doggie guitar.

OMG!  Another princess!!!!

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