Monday, January 9, 2012

Santa & Mrs Clause Come to Town

 The Sunday after Thanksgiving, Santa and Mrs Clause took time out of their busy schedule to come to our town and visit with the kids.  Despite the gloomy, cold, and wet weather we ventured out to meet Santa and tell him what we want for Christmas.  Mallory wasn't hesitant at all and showed no fear when the big man walked out.  In fact, it was more like the welcoming of a celebrity.  She cupped her hands over her mouth in amazement and exclaimed "Mommy!  Look!  It's Santa!!!!"

Poor Santa got an earful.  She listed all the Princess Dresses she wanted and he smiled and asked her if she had been good.  Eventually we had to give the other children a turn and we had to gently force her off his lap. I wasn't able to snap a good picture as she was way too busy telling Santa what she needed for Christmas, here is the best I could get...

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