Sunday, January 1, 2012

Carving Pumpkins

This year Halloween was exciting.  This year Mallory got it.  She finally understood what happened if you went to the door and said "trick or treat" to perfect get CANDY!  In fact she got it so well that when Halloween was over there were many tears and many questions as to "why can't I got trick or treat?  Why mommy?  I have a costume!"  The previous year we had trouble getting her to go to the door let alone say "trick or treat."  This year - no problems at all.  

So, in order to prepare for  Beggars Night, we decided to carve pumpkins.  We had three pumpkins varying in size and varying in decor.  One was "Mommy & Daddy's" pumpkin, while Mallory had one and there was even a little one for Wes.  I will let you guess which one is which.  

Mallory didn't enjoy digging out the "goop" as much as I thought she would.  This was my favorite part as a kid - getting my hands dirty and pulling out all the slime and pumpkin seeds.  She preferred not to get her hands dirty which I just didn't get!  After removing all the seeds we roasted them in the oven and they were a big hit.  Too bad I had to do all the dirty work to get them out.  Maybe next year she can brave the slime and get her hands dirty.  At the very end she looks at me and says, "Maybe I....Maybe I put princess stickers on them!  That a good idea, Mommy?"  And to that I only had one answer, "yes Mallory THAT is a a great idea."  

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