Sunday, January 1, 2012

Icing for lunch and PJ's all day!

Although Mallory is fantastic with her baby brother and they seem to really adore each other, that wasn't always the case.  The first couple of weeks after we brought baby Wes home we saw some power and attention struggle coming from Mallory and this was expected.  She never took her anger out on her brother and was always nice to him, but she made sure that Mommy and Daddy knew that she was in need of attention or entertainment.  The term "testing" suddenly had a new meaning and a new limit.  

Anticipating this, prior to Wesley's birth I tried to stock up on activities or crafts to keep her busy while she was home with me.  One of these, was supplies to make Halloween cookies (being it was October).  We chose a day when Daddy was still on paternity leave and busted out the wax paper, flour, icing, and cookie cutters.  Too make it that much more fun, we let Mallory have a PJ day where she stayed in her PJ's all day until time to crawl into bed again.  

She loved decorating the cookies, especially the part where she got to lick her fingers clean of icing and sprinkles.  Needless to say, she didn't eat much lunch that day and went down for her nap later then normal. But it was worth it to have her busy and entertained.  Cookies are now one of our favorite activities.  

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