Monday, January 23, 2012

Christmas Eve, Part 2

Now, for part 2 of our Christmas Eve adventure, an evening at Grandma Myntzs' house.  We ventured that way after Aunt Lori's in hopes of a good nap in the car on the way over.  This year, we took our time making the trip as long as possible.  I think Mallory got a good hour of sleep in, which was acceptable.  Not her normal two hour nap, but it was something.  And typically something is better then nothing.

We were the first to arrive and Aunt EE, Uncle Todd, and Aevan were soon to follow.  This year was difficult for them as EE had come down with an awful case of Strep Throat.  We quarantined her in the play room/guest room and crossed our fingers that no one would get sick.  We were successful, but poor EE was miserable.  She was a trooper though; making the 45 minute journey to Grandma Myntzs' in order to enjoy Christmas Eve.  She even got Aevan dressed up in her little Christmas dress, complete with adorable cardigan.  

Aevan was bright eyed and bushy tailed for her first Christmas, taking in all the excitement in large doses.  She was most entertained my her cousin Mallory and enjoyed watching her bounce around the room with what seemed like endless bouts of energy.  I have a feeling little Aevan will look up to her cousin, while they both torment little Wes in the coming years.  It is okay though, Wes has Ivan and Everett to look to on the other side.  :)

Additionally, Wes decided to show his smile that evening, which at that time was a rare occasion.  Wes was battling Colic and Acid reflux (and we are still working through it, but it is much better) so I often got uneasy when I knew I had to take him out of the comforts of home.  He slept through Aunt Lori's, so I was a little afraid of what would happen at Grandma Myntzs'.  He pleasantly surprised me with a lot of awake time where he was content.  That was so rare, I took it all in and got as many pictures as I could.  It was a nice little Christmas present for mom too :)  Thanks little man.  

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