Friday, January 27, 2012

New Christmas last Christmas post

Okay, so this is my LAST Christmas post.  I promise.  I almost forgot to share this, but then stumbling upon the pictures in my camera, I knew it had to be done. 

For Christmas this year, Mallory's primary sitter got her a box of the Crayola Window Markers.  I had seen these before and purposefully steered clear of them thinking to myself, "if I let her color on the windows, then what is going to keep her from coloring on the walls?"  However, I was wrong.  These things are great and so much fun!  Mallory knows they are to only go on the windows and is very good about following those directions.  Anyways, she was so excited when she opened them, she insisted that we play with them as soon as we got home that day.  It was that evening that I decided it was time for a new tradition.  

Our back door are french window doors with a wood grid (see above).  So I decided that each person coming or staying at the house over Christmas could decorate one of the rectangular windows on the back door for the holiday.  Not everyone chose to do this, but there was one particular night involving wine where we got a little carried away.  Actually, not WE but more EE & Uncle Todd.  Here are some of our crazy masterpieces.  

 It all started with EE's rendition of Dorothy's ruby red slippers.  Above, is her depiction of said slippers.
 In attempts to show her up, Uncle Todd took a stab at it and clearly won. 
 Then came Christmas presents complete with sarcastic caption "Christmas...after the economy recovers."
 This one was quite entertaining.  It started off as a person skating and it was decided that it looked like Owen Wilson when finished.  Artwork and caption by EE, "Owen Wilson Skates on a Pork Chop."
 Moving is a picture drawn by Uncle Todd illustrating what is to be expected come 2015, in their dreams, of course. 
 This was the family portrait by Uncle Todd complete with dog, cat, and baby in a basket.
 This was my stunning Christmas Tree...
 and my award winning snowman. 
 And in the spirit of saving the best (most creative) for last....Marc's Krampus.  This is the Christmas tradition that began in Germany where Krampus (who is some sort of monster) comes and kidnaps kids that are bad.  He comes complete with a whip and chain.  If you look close, you can see the bad little children in his backpack.  So joyful.  

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Christmas 2011

And....finally.....we have reached Christmas Day.  The funny part is, I only have about 5 pictures from the actual Christmas morning and this is 3 of them.  **sigh**  

Christmas morning was a fun whirlwind of presents and laughs and stockings and dogs and chaos.  And we loved every second of it.  The morning consists of our family, EE, Uncle Todd, Aevan, and Grandpa.  We all have breakfast, open stockings, and then move on to presents.  Santa out-did himself this year and Mallory was on cloud nine.  She loved her presents and of course, loved helping her brother open his.  

After we were finished, we all got ready and went over to Great Grandma's for the final installment of Christmas.  It seems like it is too much when I look back and revisit each part of Christmas, but then I think of how thankful I am that we have all of these places to go and all these amazing people in our family to share the holiday with.  In the true spirit of Christmas I try to not complain about the time spent on the road and the lack of time we have trying to fit everything in, because the truth is that every part of Christmas is exciting and fun and I am so thankful for everything we have been blessed with.  Merry Christmas to all (even in January as I try to catch up on the blog...)  :)  

Monday, January 23, 2012

Christmas Eve, Part 2

Now, for part 2 of our Christmas Eve adventure, an evening at Grandma Myntzs' house.  We ventured that way after Aunt Lori's in hopes of a good nap in the car on the way over.  This year, we took our time making the trip as long as possible.  I think Mallory got a good hour of sleep in, which was acceptable.  Not her normal two hour nap, but it was something.  And typically something is better then nothing.

We were the first to arrive and Aunt EE, Uncle Todd, and Aevan were soon to follow.  This year was difficult for them as EE had come down with an awful case of Strep Throat.  We quarantined her in the play room/guest room and crossed our fingers that no one would get sick.  We were successful, but poor EE was miserable.  She was a trooper though; making the 45 minute journey to Grandma Myntzs' in order to enjoy Christmas Eve.  She even got Aevan dressed up in her little Christmas dress, complete with adorable cardigan.  

Aevan was bright eyed and bushy tailed for her first Christmas, taking in all the excitement in large doses.  She was most entertained my her cousin Mallory and enjoyed watching her bounce around the room with what seemed like endless bouts of energy.  I have a feeling little Aevan will look up to her cousin, while they both torment little Wes in the coming years.  It is okay though, Wes has Ivan and Everett to look to on the other side.  :)

Additionally, Wes decided to show his smile that evening, which at that time was a rare occasion.  Wes was battling Colic and Acid reflux (and we are still working through it, but it is much better) so I often got uneasy when I knew I had to take him out of the comforts of home.  He slept through Aunt Lori's, so I was a little afraid of what would happen at Grandma Myntzs'.  He pleasantly surprised me with a lot of awake time where he was content.  That was so rare, I took it all in and got as many pictures as I could.  It was a nice little Christmas present for mom too :)  Thanks little man.  

Monday, January 16, 2012

Christmas Eve, Part 1

Let me start out by saying that currently, I think that Christmas Eve is way more exciting for Mallory then Christmas day.  She gets to open just as many (if not more) presents as she does on Christmas day, AND she gets to play with her cousins on both sides of the family.  It is a jam packed day that starts out in the morning at Aunt Lori & Uncle Mikes, and ends with the evening at Grandma Myntz's house.  Each year she seems to get more and more, which leaves me quite torn.  On the one hand she gets way too many presents and I don't want her spoiled, especially with a birthday coming up right after Christmas.  However, on the other hand, watching these kids get excited and open these gifts is SO much fun that all I want to do is buy them all more and more presents.  Let's be honest, the older you get Christmas seems to loose a little of it's magic.  Let me tell you, that all comes flowing back full speed when you have little ones and especially when they start to understand.  I was so excited for Christmas this year, simply to see the faces of these little ones. 

Here are some pictures from the first part of our Christmas at Aunt Lori & Uncle Mikes.  It seems all my pictures are of the kids because they were so animated and excited, but do know that the adults had a wonderful Christmas too, filled with laughs and very nice presents.  It was a great way to start off the Holiday.  

 This is the best picture I had of them sitting in front of the tree.  I know Ivan's finger is in his nose, but if I recall correctly it was prompted, not real.  Still pretty funny either way.
 Ev was pretty fascinated with Wesley, which was really cute.  He kept bringing him things and putting them in his seat.  He also wanted to rock Wesley in the car seat.  It seemed almost more exciting then opening gifts. He was very gentle and sweet...I think he is ready for a little sister or brother.  
 I think Ivan won the prize for biggest gifts :)
 Sweet little Ev
 Can you believe it?  Mallory got a princess!
 Uncle Marc showing Ev how to play his doggie guitar.

OMG!  Another princess!!!!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

The Tree of 2011

And on that cold night, as we walked the isles looking for the perfect tree - snow began to fall (just barely) for first time this winter.  Pretty perfect :)

Christmas Card 2011

 Getting a good picture of one child has always been near impossible, so why I thought I could get one of two, I am not so sure.  Here are just some of the many shots I attempted for our 2011 Christmas card.  We ended up calling it quits after realizing that we may start bribing more then we are willing to pay just to get Mallory to sit still and smile.  It didn't help that Wesley can't sit up yet and the leather chair had a sinking effect on our efforts to prop him up.  Needless to say, we ended up going with a combination of three photos on one photo card.  It turned out okay, but before we began, in my head, it was a very different card.  Funny how these things play out...

Monday, January 9, 2012

Santa & Mrs Clause Come to Town

 The Sunday after Thanksgiving, Santa and Mrs Clause took time out of their busy schedule to come to our town and visit with the kids.  Despite the gloomy, cold, and wet weather we ventured out to meet Santa and tell him what we want for Christmas.  Mallory wasn't hesitant at all and showed no fear when the big man walked out.  In fact, it was more like the welcoming of a celebrity.  She cupped her hands over her mouth in amazement and exclaimed "Mommy!  Look!  It's Santa!!!!"

Poor Santa got an earful.  She listed all the Princess Dresses she wanted and he smiled and asked her if she had been good.  Eventually we had to give the other children a turn and we had to gently force her off his lap. I wasn't able to snap a good picture as she was way too busy telling Santa what she needed for Christmas, here is the best I could get...

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Thanksgiving 2011

Turkey Day 2011 was a success, equipped with all the usual suspects.  I wasn't able to take any photos on the actual day at my aunts, but I shot a couple at my mom's the following day.  Like last year, "Grauntie" Linda came in from the cape and spent the holiday with us.  She got to meet Wes and Aevan for the first time and as usual, spoiled them with gifts.  Other then the special guest, not much was out of the ordinary.  We stuffed ourselves with food (which is exactly what I needed post pregnancy) and then played Pictionary which has become a tradition every year.  This year Mallory got into it and was very entertaining.  She would draw on the dry erase board "super fast" and when we told her what we thought she was drawing, she would exclaim "OK!" and then hurry to draw something else.  Not quite the way you play, but monkey see, monkey do, I suppose.  Gobble Gobble.  

Friday, January 6, 2012

Ivan is Four!

Every year Ivan's birthday roles around and every year I am so amazed that he is already a year older.  I remember this little boy fitting snug in my arms as an infant.  It is crazy to me to think back and remember all the time we have spent watching him grow up.  This little boy will always have a special place with me as he was my first nephew.  No one else on either side of my family had taken that plunge into parenthood and he was the first little baby I was really ever exposed to.  The moment he was born I adored him.  I remember driving the short drive to Mike & Lori's as often as I could just to get my hands on the little guy.  

Since Ivan, I have gained two additional nieces and nephews and I love them all dearly.  However, Ivan was the first the little man to steal my heart.  Not to mention he is probably one of the cutest little boys I have ever seen.  I am not biased at all :)   Happy Fourth Birthday little man.  We love you!!