Monday, April 30, 2012

Coloring Eggs with Jazz Hands

Leave it to Mallory and Liam to turn egg coloring into a a super fantastic coloring - dress up - dancing extravaganza!  These two are so funny to watch.  They carry on the funniest conversations and (often) play so well together.  Liam came over this year to help us color eggs and prepare for the Easter Bunny.  They had a great time coloring the eggs and didn't quite understand the concept of 1 egg per bowl, but that is okay.  Pastel color eggs are just as good as the ones rich in color.  

After the coloring was done, the two scampered off and played in the play room.  Once they emerged, both complete in dress up garb, they jumped up and down, so proud of themselves and obviously having a ball. get to the post where the Easter Bunny comes....

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