Monday, March 26, 2012

Super Hero Berry Picker

On one of the first unexpected spring-like days of March, Mallory, Wes, & I ran out the front door as fast as we could, eager to play in the sun.  Wes and I set up shop by the big oak tree, sprawled out on a blanket with plenty of toys.  Mallory, on the other hand, had no interest in laying on a blanket.  She immediately darted into the yard with a basket, determined to "pick berries" like Princess Aurora.  I wasn't sure what berries were to be found in our yard, but just in case I was sure to explain that she should never put anything in her mouth.  She agreed and sauntered off.  She came back with a basket full of buds from one of our little trees (poor tree).  She was quite excited and wanted me to take a picture of them.  The next fun game was to be bat girl as her shirt portrayed.  She began running and jumping in the air, defeating the evil villains.  Wes and I watched in astonishment from the sidelines and cheered her on.  It was such a nice surprise.  I am not complaining about the early spring - just dreading a super hot summer that I am convinced is on it's way. Must enjoy the cool breeze now while I can....  Happy Early Spring everyone!

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