Well, since it is February, I thought it only appropriate to start posting things from January :) The first major event of 2012 was my sweet little Mallory's birthday. 3 years to be exact, January 2nd. Her actual party was scheduled for the following weekend (post to come) but we felt it necessary to celebrate the actual day in some way. I was still on maternity leave, but it was quite convenient that her birthday was on a Monday, which made for Daddy's New Years Day holiday from work. This meant we were all at home together on her special day. We started the morning off by taking her to Tim Horton's across the street to pick out a very special breakfast. To my surprise, when Daddy and her arrived back she had chosen 2 donuts, because apparently deciding between chocolate and sprinkles was just too hard.
After breakfast, she opened her present from us (a Disney Princess Karaoke jukebox), at which point we asked her what she wanted to do on her Birthday. She replied "WATCH PRINCESS MOVIES!" So, that is exactly what we did. In between dresses and fairy tale stories, we painted her nails and received visitors from both Grandma Myntz & Grandpa complete with presents in tote. Lastly, she got to top off her evening with a trip out to Grandma and Kelly's for an overnight surprise. She was so happy all day long, which was exactly the goal.
I had several moments on this day that I can't seem to get out of my head. First of all, my baby is 3. My first little bundle is sitting across the table from me, bartering for dessert. "Mommy...how bout I eat 2 more bites, then I get a Hershey Kiss?" It seems like she was just nuzzled in the crack of my arm on the couch sleeping. I remember her depending on me for everything. For eating, for moving, for dressing. I remember the joy I felt the first moment I laid eyes on her. I lost control and started sobbing tears of pure bliss and joy. Her little face, so puffy from the trauma of birth, just looking up at me as if to say "nice to meet you Mommy." Now look at her. She is so many things. She is a dreamer. She is a dancer. She is a singer. She is a character. She is a hand full, and she is a screamer. She is a artist, an actor, a princess. She is a fire cracker, in both good and bad ways. She is a sweet heart, she is a stubborn ox. She is a big sister. She is one of a kind. She is my baby and always will be. Happy Birthday sweet Mal. Mommy, Daddy, & baby Wes love you.