Getting closer to current, let's talk about July. Oh, July. SO many pictures from July. I am not sure why, but the 4th has always been my favorite holiday. I think it is sitting outside in the hot summer air watching fireworks in the night sky. I love that feeling. "Ooohhhing and aweing" over each blast and being surrounded by friends and family. There is always so much going on during the 4th. There is fireworks, cookouts, parades, is just always a blast for us and the kids. However, to add to those festivities, we had Aevan's first birthday on July 13th. Being that I was "in charge" of taking pictures, I have quite a few images. So, I suppose I should stop typing and start posting pictures!
So, I don't think I mentioned it, but Wes is crawling. Talk about milestones, how could I forget to mention this? He started crawling at 8 months and has been on the move ever since. Now, he is walking while holding on to things, crawling up the stairs, and just started standing without holding on to anything a couple days ago. So, with that said, here are just some random shots of Wesley from July.

4th of July BBQ at Great Grandma's is next on the list. We do this every year, immediately following the parade. I have not yet taken my kids to the parade. With Fireworks being that night (and them being up until 11:00) it just hasn't worked out yet. I am sure as they get a little older, it will happen. Mallory could now handle it, but not so much Wes. One day it will all work out. The most memorable part of the BBQ? Aevan and Wesley. They were both chewing on a piece of celery (wonderful teether, thank you Aunt EE for that info!) and Aevan would just crawl up and take Wesley's! He would just sit there and stare at her and let her have it. He is just so sweet this one. Mallory would have screamed and taken it right back. Hopefully this is an inclination of how wonderful he will treat a lucky girl some day :)

After the BBQ, we headed over to Marc's work to watch the fireworks. They have a convenient overlook of the fireworks, everyone perched up on a hill. Not to mention the food, snow cones, music, and face painting. We had to high tail it out of there shortly after the fireworks as rain was moving in, so my camera was packed up during the show - didn't want to risk it getting wet. However, I caught a few before the rain clouds settled in.

And now, the 1st Birthday Extravaganza for Little Miss Aevan. Although hosted by EE & Todd, we helped out by having the party at our house. Since they live out of town, it was easier for family to celebrate here as opposed to going there, getting hotels, etc. So, we offered up our house and had a "pool" party theme for Aevan's 1st birthday. It fit well, considering temperatures were exceeding 100 that day. I can't believe that Aevan is one. She is such a fun little girl with a personality all her own. She is so happy all the time and has the cutest, softest little voice. I am loving watching her grow and can't wait to see what this next year holds for her. Like I said, I got a TON of pictures, so here is a few. It is so hard to choose which ones to post!
And lastly, a few of my oldest from July :) Pretty girl...